Welcome to the 2025 26th Anniversary Half Moon Sober Festival
~ Finding Your Ground in Recovery ~
You are invited to a SOMA Breath Energized Meditation. Come join us for some movement, toning and guided breath meditation. No experience necessary. Come with curiosity, willingness and a desire to expand your growth-edge. Please bring a mat (yoga or camping mat), layers of clothing to be able to meet your temperature needs, (maybe a blanket) a water/tea bottle and comfortable clothes to move in. I am excited to guide you in this energized meditation.
Click Linda’s photo to go directly to her website.
Linda Tremblay, MA, LCMHC, MLADC, (She/Her/Hers)
~ Harnessing Your Possibilities ~
With a boundless supply of images, media and our own day dreams. It can become hard to know what do we want and who should we listen to? But the biggest question. What does our soul need to hear? This sermon will be upbeat, spirit based and audience interactive.
Hope to see you there.
Find me on Facebook
Rev. Freya Harris
~ Grief and Connecting to Your Angels ~
I have been conducting this class for years.
My background allows me to connect to the spirits of all of us. I will also teach you how to hear and feel them too. Expect to laugh, cry and feel a sense of relief, knowing your loved ones are still around. Bring some tissues, a friend and be apart of this empowering class.
Love and Light!
Rev. Freya Harris
Or find me on face book
Rev. Freya Harris
~ Rebuilding You ~
Going forward after your heart breaks. What to do after your worst fear comes true. This is an interactive workshop where we will laugh, cry and share. I will teach mind and body exercises to help us remove the emotional obstacles that are stopping us.
Rev. Freya Harris
Minister, Grief Counselor, Empath and Medium
~ Astronomy/Astrology Workshop ~
An avid camper from Nashua New Hampshire, I have been sober since 1985 and am a past member of the Board of Directors of the Half Moon Sober Festival.
I have a Bachelor’s Degree from the State University of New York in Albany where I majored in Physics, and did take an Astronomy course as well as general Physics courses dealing with gravity, light, and newton's laws. But do not worry, the workshop is not going to be a physics class.
Astronomy/Astrology Workshop Overview : this is one workshop, Astronomy, and some of the Astronomical foundations of Astrology. I will go over what can be viewed in the night sky during the Festival weekend, and what cannot: Major Constellations, Planets, some well-known stars. I will go over a very basic introduction to Astrology and contrast the Two main schools of (Tropical and Sidereal)... My aim is to give you some of the astronomical facts involved in astrology and let you form your own opinions -- rather than try to prove or disprove anything.
Steve has been sober and active in recovery since 1989. He volunteered at the first Halfmoon Sober Festival and was a member of the Board for about 5 years. Steve has attended Sober in the Sun whenever possible throughout his years of sobriety. He has facilitated AWOL 12 step recovery groups and has been active in 12 step study groups for the past 30 years. Recently retired, Steve looks forward to regularly attending Halfmoon Sober Festival and contributing to the success of the festival. This workshop is part of Steve’s 12th step work, helping others to achieve sobriety and giving back what was freely given to him.
~ 12 Steps to a New Life ~
Steve Brown 603-560-3535
This workshop will benefit people in early recovery and those with long term sobriety too.
In this workshop we will go over the basics of early recovery and how to stay substance free and sober long enough to begin the work laid out in the 12 Steps.
We'll review the process of how to change the way you think and act which has caused you "all the trouble there is" and brought you to seek recovery.
We will finish up with suggestions on how to continue practicing these 12 Principles in all our affairs so we can maintain the wonderful life we have attained by working this program of recovery.
The focus of this workshop is to emphasize the importance and purpose of each step, and why it’s important to continue working them to maintain Spiritual growth in your life.
~ Ghosts In The Bedroom ~
Ghosts in the Bedroom (for survivors of incest/abuse and their partners) This workshop is designed to aid the recovery of Survivors and partners (for the safety of all, no perpetrators Please). The intention of the workshop is to identify issues from our past that covertly affect our lives and relationships today so that we may take steps to minimize their effect on us today. The definition of incest is determined by the recipient, it may include any abuse, physical, mental, verbal, or emotional, by any person in authority or guardianship over another.
My partner and I are Survivors and have come a long way through the process in SIA and other forms of recovery. Although we are not all better yet we believe we have hope and healing to offer others. This could become very intense. We ask that if you do not intend to bring your partner that you at least bring a friend who will be there for you and support you through the possible reactions. We will try to have other support people available as well. We will be available for follow-up at our campsite for the remainder of the weekend and by phone after. Please feel free to seek us out.
Jeanne Westcott celebrated 19 years of sobriety on March 6, 2025 and is married to her husband, Bruce. The couple met at SITS in 2008. Jeanne has two grown daughters and two fur babies, Onyx and Pearl. She currently teaches on the North Shore and serves Manchester by the Sea as Children and Youth Pastor of historic First Parish Congregational. Art, reusing, planet stewardship and mental health are generally what she champions when not giving back to AA and recovery communities.
~ Dream It, Be It! ~
An Art Workshop for Adults This workshop focuses on the symbology of color and shape and how they can be used to create a goal setting piece of art you will be excited to hang in your space. Come and see. If you’re a repeat art participant, talk it up. We do have some fun!
~ MIRROR: Mothers In Recovery Reclaiming Our Relationships (TM pending) ~
This workshop is specifically for moms who are parenting in recovery or who need to reclaim the parenting role. The workshop design is a presentation with some writing, drawing and discussion among participants. A soon to be published self-help workbook is the final product of years of research into the parenting struggles of this particular set of demographics. Come see yourself and your path into productive parenting in recovery.
Benjamin Blackett is founder of A Creative Healing Place, a Life Mastery Consultant and TranscenDance™️ Facilitator. He has been featured on CBS News, ABC, NBC, and FOX. He teaches spiritual principles and tools he has been studying and applying for over 25 years. His greatest passion is leading his clients through proven, reliable, and repeatable steps that empower them to live vibrant, abundant and love-filled lives. Now he is on a mission to help 1,000,000 people live empowered lives that help spread peace throughout the world by 2033.
~ TRASCENDANCE™ ~ Workshop/Class
TranscenDance™ is a powerful fusion of; relaxing stretching, deep-breathing, fun free-form movement & conscious dance, positive-creative visualization, energy healing, embodiment coaching, and life empowerment.
TranscenDance™ Is NOT a traditional dance class. It IS a conscious dance class
This class is student-centered, and you follow your body’s lead. The body is intelligent, connected to the mind & spirit. To be honored, listened to, and cherished. We work with the principle that movement is intended to grow the whole person; emotionally, physically and spiritually.
Some examples of the many benefits of TranscenDance™ are that it helps you move from … Stiffness to Flexibility, Self-Doubt to Self-Confidence, Stress & Stagnation to Fun & Play, Physical Tension to Physical Freedom
Do you feel you are searching for your hidden connection with a Higher Power? If you want the instant experience, bring your writing tools along. Benjamin will explore some of the Conversations with God literature as transcribed by Neale Donald Walsch, giving testimony to how this material has changed his life over the past 26 years. He will help you in finding your own conversation with God.
Do you want to experience more prosperity and balance in your life? Are you pouring your heart and soul into your work and still not getting the results you want? Would you like to increase your success and stay in complete harmony with your highest values and spiritual beliefs? … If these questions resonate with you then you are going to love this workshop!
In this workshop based on *Henry David Thoreau’s nWalden, you’ll learn:
* 3 essential keys for tuning into your
* What wealthy people do that creates sustained success.
* The #1 factor that causes people to lose steam when going after a dream, and how to stay motivated to override it.
* The 1 critical thing you must give up in order to reach your dreams.
Click Benjamin Blacketts photo to visit his website.
~ Many Lives, Many Masters ~
Going beyond the book by Brian L. Weiss, M.D. to understand how it can help in recovery.
How past life can impact behavior/thought processes today.
I will discuss my journey to try to understand the singularity of it all, the eternal
truth. From a program/spiritual point of view, to connect the dots of Science, Philosophy,
Spirituality and Religion in order to get in touch with the eternal in all of us in an open
discussion format we may all learn from.
Followed by a simple past life regression, that can be practiced to gain insight on
what we brought with us into this life
Join us for a guided meditation to find out what your animal spirit guide is and how they can help you in this adventure called life! We will take time to find out what their dominant traits are and what they are trying to tell you … This is a new workshop for me so come check it out!!
I am in long term recovery and have a life I never could have dreamed of. Hope to meet some of you and see some old friends!
~ Native American Pipe Ceremony ~
Steven Parenteau is of Cherokee and Abenaki heritage. His grandfather was born on the St. Celestine reservation near Drummondville Quebec Canada! He’s been involved with Halfmoon since the second festival! He started the Native American pipe ceremony for people in recovery in our festival’s third year! It is the stories of how the pipes became a symbol and tool for prayer.
~ Triangle Of Self Obsession ~
Steven Parenteau
The Triangle of Self Obsession is a Narcotics Anonymous pamphlet that has helped many deal with Anger, Resentment and Fear! We do this by using the Love, Faith and acceptance taught in our programs steps and traditions to guide us to a better way to live!